
Donating samples

The richness of a structure like the Biobanco-iMM CAML depends on the diversity and quality of the biological samples that it stores and makes available to the scientific community. The Biobank-iMM CAML holds several collections of samples from multiple human diseases (rheumatological diseases, neurological diseases, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, among others) and from healthy donors, essential for biomedical research.

The donation of blood samples is essential for the success of Biobanco-iMM CAML, which counts on everyone’s collaboration. To join Biobanco-iMM CAML, donating a biological sample, in general, blood, you should contact us on the numbers 217999437 or 965152588 or visit us at the Egas Moniz building of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon, at a time to be agreed previously.

Last updated: July 4, 2022